A multi-country study of e-government usage by Douglas Dalziel
Cada vez más, los gobiernos buscan la utilización de internet como nueva vía de comunicación con sus ciudadanos. Este documento informa sobre la investigación realizada sobre la comprensión de los servicios de e-government por el público. Ha sido realizado durante un período de tres años con un mínimo de 27 países estudiados cada año…
Increasingly governments are seeking to use the Internet to communicate in new ways with their citizens. This paper reports on research into the uptake of e-government services amongst members of the public. It was conducted over a three year period and involved a minimum of 27 countries each year. The paper proposes a model of e-government use, which identifies five types of behaviour: information seeking, downloading, consulting, providing information, and transacting. The paper also explores users’ and non-users’ views about how safe they consider it is to provide personal information, such as a credit card number, to government departments.
Documento completo en http://www.tns-global.com/corporate/Doc/0/MJHPECQDDJ94195OMMQKECDBC0/GovernmentOnline-ESOMAR_Paper2004.pdf