¿Porqué K-Government?

K-Government es Knowledge Government. No sólo es e-government, es algo más…

«we have discussed the distinction between the «e»-economy and the «k»-(knowledge) economy. A great deal has been said about how the ‘e’ aspects of government may develop: better access to information, electronic polling and voting, direct application to one-stop shops for advice and the like. This has been called e-government. What is described here is the grown-up version of this: k-government» Nodal Governance

«K-government distinguishes itself from other governments by focusing on establishing policies, regulations, institutions, processes, structures and capacities for knowledge, innovation and technology (KIT) acquisition and for using the acquired KIT to improve the quality of people’s life and work, including the quality of government’s own operations as well as the quality of governance system. K-government carries responsibility for capturing, preserving, sharing, and integrating data, information and knowledge to support learning, adaptation and adoption that leads to achieving development goals. K-government must be rooted in an enabling governance system. It can benefit from e-governance and e-government approaches – it seems particularly amiable to them. The feature that distinguishes this particular set of government activities from all other government activities is the potential pervasiveness of their impact throughout the society and the strength of the feedback that they generate vis-à-vis growth and development, and in particular vis-à-vis governance system, government’s own operations, and – if guided by the goal of human development – the quality and safety of life of all citizens.» DPADM/UNDESA Electronic & Knowledge Governments

Depende de todos nosotros que hagamos del e-government algo más que e-…, depende de nosotros que el conocimiento fluya, depende de nosotros que el e-government no sea la finalidad sino la herramienta para mejorar la sociedad en la que vivimos, la sociedad de la información y somos nosotros los responsables que dotemos a las instituciones públicas de las mejores herramientas para avanzar por el mejor camino.

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