Vía Smart Mobs de la mano de Howard Rheingold podemos llegar a un imprescindible PDF escrito por Shlomo Goltz, «evolution of the protest». Un documento que combina el diseño gráfico con el ámbito educativo para mostrar la evolución que han seguido las protestas gracias a las nuevas tecnologías, para ello nos muestra dos hitos en el activismo norteamericano Nashville y Seattle.
This book will explore of the use of communication networks in the context of activism. It Is about how networks emerge, what they look like, and how they act. An example from the Civil Rights era known as the Nashville sit-ins will set the stage by illustrating how a basic sit-in functions. A protest known as the Battle of Seattle will be used to show how the advances of communication and organization that have been facilitated by mobile communications technologies.12 It is imperative that the protestors of today understand how modern communications technology can improve the efficiency, precision, and effectiveness of protest.
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