KGovernment o Knowledge Government

KGovernment o Knowledge Government

k-government K-Government es el título de este blog. Hace un par de años ya escribí acerca del por qué del mismo basándome en unos textos que había encontrado en UNPAN y en Nodal Governance.

Hoy he llegado al artículo «Knowledge-based e-Government» publicado en julio de 2005 por Jeremy Millard en egovonline y quiero haceros partícipes de parte del mismo:

From ‘e’ to ‘k’ Government

Knowledge-based government is closely linked to developments in ambient intelligence needed to provide powerful, easy-to-use electronic public services. There are huge challenges here, however, not least in relation to security and control, as noted above. For example, the concept of user identities will need re-thinking away from geographically determined identity, as it is now, to virtual identities linked to a ‘digital territory’ like Am I Space.

Managing knowledge within Government

Already, some of the most promising approaches to delivering improvements in the functioning of public administrations are being built upon better knowledge management. In particular, initiatives are centred on new approaches to communication and knowledge sharing both within governmental and partner organisations and across organisational boundaries. These initiatives began with a focus on data standards, ICT infrastructure and proceeded to government process re-engineering and to the need for «rethinking things before automating them….[which] has become absolutely crucial if the Internet and the powerful technology developed around it are to be put to efficient use.»4

This kGovernment approach recognises that however sophisticated ICT systems may become, organisations will not get full benefit unless the people that use them also change how they work and learn to exploit them. This is precisely the sort of thinking required to meet some of the other challenges driving the kGovernment agenda. For example, the quiet revolution that is going on to shift to evidence-based policy making in government. Extending consultation to involve community experts and stakeholder groups whilst speeding up the process from research to policy-making to delivery can only be achieved through maximising new ICT knowledge management tools and techniques in areas such as communication, collaboration, security, data modelling and forecasting.

To achieve this and the wider benefits associated with kGovernment, alignment of ICT, ambient intelligence, information
management, process change and learning strategies under the knowledge management banner is fundamental. If we want to transform public services, then the delivery organisations themselves need transformation. And getting the right strategy for information and knowledge must be at the heart of that change. A full commitment to kGovernment is essential.
Imagino que algunos veréis reflejadas  ideas que han surgido durante las conversaciones que hemos tenido, incluso propuestas de las que sois promotores como la de elaborar esas comunidades de profesionales en la larga cola del talento. En fin, creo que es el camino adecuado para mejorar y lograr una nueva gestión pública. No es sólo aplicar la «e«, tenemos que aplicar la «k«. Ya que de eso tenemos muchos pero tenemos que saber como gestionarlo de la mejor manera posible.

4 comentarios en «KGovernment o Knowledge Government»

  1. He diseñado un modelo de dirección innovadora aplicable a altos funcionarios, que ya lleva funcionando durante dos ediciones y que responde al uso de la gestión del conocimiento desde una perspectiva cualitativa y enfatizada por action-research, en el marco de la burocracia española. Tal vez te interese conocer mi modelo en . Un abrazo y suerte, Roberto Carballo. Aldebaran Innovation

  2. No sé si alguna vez te he dicho cuánto me gusta el nombre de este blog.

    Me parece clave esta frase «If we want to transform public services, then the delivery organisations themselves need transformation.». ¿Cuántas organizaciones se la toman en serio?

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