Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 28 de Agosto de 2008

Enlaces que os pueden interesar:

  • Public sector reform: What works and why? – The evaluation examines lending and other kinds of Bank support in the period 1999-2006 for public sector reform in four areas: public financial management, administrative and civil service, revenue administration, and anticorruption and transparency. The public sector is the largest spender and employer in virtually every developing country and it sets the policy environment for the rest of the economy.
  • Las 3000 palabras más usadas en inglés – las 3000 palabras más usadas en inglés
  • Business Planning: Key Action Steps To Build A Successful Internet Startup – Launching a new Internet startup? Wondering what are the key things to worry about before it's too late? Do you need a business plan or do you need a great team and a cool idea to run with?
  • Online Collaboration Tools – Co-browsing systems, file sharing tools, polling and feedback services
  • DEMO-net – the eParticipation Network of Excellence – DEMO-net is a Network of Excellence funded under the European Commission's sixth framework programme: Information Society Technologies IST (FP6-2004-27219). The project started 1 January 2006 and is funded for 4 years.
  • The New Google Keyword Tool: How To Apply Keyword Research to Your Site | Get Elastic – By now you’ve probably heard the news, Google has made keyword search counts available to all through its Keyword Research Tool (before it only showed relative search volume in little green bars). There are many free and paid keyword research tools out there, but until this announcement, none were able to provide Google-only data. But like Avinash Kaushik said last week in his Analytics webinar, “The goal is not to collect more data – it’s about extracting insight from this data.” So today we’re going to go through some tips on how you can tailor Google Keyword Tool’s data to your needs (much like you would with Google Analytics), and how you can apply this research beyond your SEO and PPC campaign to other marketing activities. We’ll also cover the limitations of this (and all) keyword research tool(s).
  • Revista TELOS – La revista TELOS. Cuadernos de Comunicación, Tecnología y Sociedad nació en 1985 de la mano de Fundesco (institución actualmente integrada en Fundación Telefónica) como publicación pionera en el campo de la Comunicación y las Nuevas Tecnologías. Y durante doce años se ha dedicado a analizar las consecuencias de la convergencia sobre la información, la comunicación y la cultura. Ahora vuelve con nuevas energías editada por Fundación Telefónica.

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