Enlaces que pueden interesaros:
- Co-creating an open declaration on public services 2.0 – What are the top things EU governments should do in the next 3 years to use the web to transform public services?
- Digital Brain – final report – The Digital Britain Report is the Government's strategic vision for ensuring that the UK is at the leading edge of the global digital economy. It is an example of industrial activism in a crucial growth sector.
- polnet – proyecto – El proyecto POLNET (SEJ2007-60082), financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia se centra en el análisis del impacto del uso de Internet sobre la participación política en España. Análisis descriptivo de la participación política que incorpore los modos de participación online, los perfiles de los ciudadanos que optan por estas nuevas formas de participación, y su relación con otros modos de participación tradicionales.
- Building a vision for Government 2.0 – That the global, pervasive network known as the Internet can directly connect citizens with their government is obviously an idea well-aligned with Web 2.0 ideas. Not that the vision for something known as Government 2.0 is a new one. It goes back to the very beginning of the Web 2.0 discussion. But with a new administration in place in Washington and a passionate CIO that by all appearances is progressive and understands the modern IT era, the timing seems to be ripe for a remaking of government and perhaps even democracy itself.
- Rate Your Politician – Rate Your Politician is a new E-democracy platform for the people of N.Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales. Developed with the intentions of making citizen participation in public policy decision-making more expansive and direct so as to enable broader influence in policy outcomes as more individuals get involved in rating their politicians the outcome of the results can yield smarter policies along with increasing transparency and accountability; and keeping the government closer to the consent of the governed, thereby increasing its political legitimacy.
NOU Blocsfera PSCLH: Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 18 de Junio, 2009 http://twurl.nl/ul2bjg
Llegeixo: Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 18 de Junio, 2009 http://ow.ly/eMRs
Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 18 de Junio, 2009 http://bit.ly/QEnho