Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 4 de Noviembre, 2009

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • eyeos para administraciones públicas – Como eyeos es una plataforma basada en Internet, el usuario final puede utilizar cualquier sistema operativos de escritorio (Windows, Linux, Mac, BSD, Solaris, etc) y sólo requiere de un navegador web y un acceso a Internet / Intranet para hacerla funcionar.
  • 500 Internal Server Error – 500 Internal Server Error
  • BBC – Democracy Live – Home – Find out more about BBC Democracy Live and how to make it work for you
  • Participatory democracy – Participatory democracy, with subtype direct democracy, is a process emphasizing the broad participation of constituents in the direction and operation of political systems. Etymological roots of democracy (Greek demos and kratos) imply that the people are in power and thus that all democracies are participatory. However, traditional representative democracy tends to limit citizen participation to voting, leaving actual governance to politicians.
  • Open Government Data Initiative – The Open Government Data Initiative (OGDI) is an initiative led by Microsoft Public Sector Developer Evangelism teamExternal Link. OGDI uses the Azure Services PlatformExternal Link to make it easier to publish and use a wide variety of public data from government agencies. OGDI is also a free, open source ‘starter kit’ (coming soon) with code that can be used to publish data on the Internet in a Web-friendly format with easy-to-use, open API's. OGDI-based web API’s can be accessed from a variety of client technologies such as Silverlight, Flash, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, mapping web sites, etc.

Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 17 de Octubre, 2009

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • Open Government Data Initiative – The Open Government Data Initiative (OGDI) is an initiative led by Microsoft Public Sector Developer Evangelism teamExternal Link. OGDI uses the Azure Services PlatformExternal Link to make it easier to publish and use a wide variety of public data from government agencies. OGDI is also a free, open source ‘starter kit’ (coming soon) with code that can be used to publish data on the Internet in a Web-friendly format with easy-to-use, open API's. OGDI-based web API’s can be accessed from a variety of client technologies such as Silverlight, Flash, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, mapping web sites, etc.
  • Government Clouds – Governments from around the world are starting to take notice of the flexibility, operational benefits and substantial cost savings that cloud computing can provide. This section highlights some of the government programs that are utilizing Cloud Computing.
  • Guía de Recomendaciones de posicionamiento SEO en internet – Con la ayuda de esta guía comprenderás el modo de funcionamiento de los buscadores y aprenderás qué debes trabajar en tu sitio Web para mejorar el posicionamiento de tu sitio en la Red Internet.
  • SeeClickFix: Report non-emergency issues, receive alerts in your neighborhood – SeeClickFix allows anyone to report and track non-emergency issues anywhere in the world via the internet
  • La Gestión del Cambio en proyectos de e-Administración – El libro se estructura alrededor de una metodología de proyecto de gestión del cambio, de manera que tras una introducción inicial, se trata paso a paso cada una de las etapas que se contemplan dentro de este modelo, apoyándose en ejemplos prácticos que facilitan la comprensión de los conceptos definidos. Con ello se espera ofrecer un documento que sirva de manual de gestión del cambio para las Entidades Locales que se encuentren realizando, o se estén planteando realizar, proyectos tecnológicos en su Entidad.