Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 21 de Mayo, 2009

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • Local Government Communities of Practice strategy wins award – the IDeA Knowledge Management team who have been instrumental in getting Communities of Practice firmly established across the local government sector as means to encouraging more effective learning and sharing, which will in turn drive the development of good/next practice for service improvement. And not forgetting the many CoP Facilitator’s who do such a good job in maintaining the energy for their CoPs and providing inspiration for their members
  • European Parliament Digital Trends – Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) recognize that EU citizens go online and that they therefore need a web presence. However, the majority of MEPs do not currently take full advantage of social media tools as a means to engage with voters and drive them to their websites.
  • Cinco formas de activismo en Twitter – "The DigiActive Guide to Twitter for Activism" (PDF), en el que el autor nos habla de una nueva manera de ciberactivismo social a través de una herramienta surgida entre 2007 y 2008, Twitter. Para Jungherr hay cinco maneras de usarlo para el ciberactivismo político, y las enumera, con ejemplos de su uso y de su impacto en la realidad.
  • For a Technology Bill of Rights – “Paul Venezia argues in favor of the creation of a Technology Bill of Rights to protect individuals against malfeasance, tyranny, and exploitation in an increasingly technological age. Venezia’s initial six proposed articles center on anonymity rights, net neutrality, the open-sourcing of law enforcement software and hardware, and the like.”
  • Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web – This document is an attempt to describe, but not yet solve, the variety of issues and challenges faced by governments in their efforts to apply 21st century capabilities to eGovernment initiatives. Detail and useful examples of existing, applicable open Web standards are provided.

Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 14 de Mayo, 2009

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • Tutorial de Internet – Nivel medio – recopilatorio de manuales y tutoriales sobre Internet, para usuarios con un nivel medio
  • Como escribir una entrada de calidad – Para que un sitio crezca es muy importante que el mismo tenga un contenido de calidad. Y para eso, aparte del contenido, también es importante seguir algunos matices que completarán la entrada
  • May 2009: Open Source in Government – Last summer, the Center for Strategic and International Studies published the sixth update to their Open Source Policy survey. The survey "tracks governmental policies on the use of open source software as reported in the press or other media." The report lists 275 open source policy initiatives. It also breaks down by country and by government level whether the policy on the use of open source is considered to be advisory, preferential, or mandatory.
  • Visualizing the U.S. Senate Social Graph, 1991 – 2009 – Using data from Govtrack, one of the many great sites devoted to increasing transparency in government (a theme being explored at the Government 2.0 Summit in September), I was able to pull this information fairly quickly. The results are shown in the following Slideshare document
  • Government 2.0: Building Communities with Web 2.0 and Social Networking – Paper con una interesante "encuesta" a realizar al final para ver el grado de preparación de una AAPP para llegar a una Administración Abierta (Open Government)

Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 5 de Mayo, 2009

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • The Citizens Handbook
  • CK12 – CK-12 Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce the cost of textbook materials for the K-12 market both in the U.S. and worldwide. Using an open-content, web-based collaborative model termed the “FlexBook,” CK-12 intends to pioneer the generation and distribution of high quality educational content that will serve both as core text as well as provide an adaptive environment for learning.
  • Mash the State :: Getting government data to the people – We are a grassroots campaign to encourage UK government and public sector organisations to make their data available to the general public.
  • Living Congress. IV Congreso de la CiberSociedad – La IV edición del Congreso de la CiberSociedad ha apostado por desarrollar un congreso online modular y por etapas que se define, construye y evoluciona partiendo de las visiones y de las aportaciones de sus seguidores, participantes y colaboradores. Os invitamos a esta experiencia única de participación, creación e innovación en la red que ya ha dado comienzo.
  • You2Gov.com – You2Gov believes in Political Power for Real People. We built this site to enable you to become more powerful, more informed, and more able to influence government decisions that affect you. We provide the information and tools to put regular citizens on a level playing field with powerful special interests.

Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 1 de Mayo, 2009

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • The Future of the Social Web: In Five Eras – The Five Eras of the Social Web: 1) Era of Social Relationships: People connect to others and share 2) Era of Social Functionality: Social networks become like operating system 3) Era of Social Colonization: Every experience can now be social 4) Era of Social Context: Personalized and accurate content 5) Era of Social Commerce: Communities define future products and services
  • Fes Europa – Fes preguntes, qüestiona, debat. Fes teva la Unió Europea El proper 7 de juny tenim l’oportunitat de triar els nostres representants al Parlament Europeu, l’única institució transnacional, multilingüe i elegida per sufragi universal directe que hi ha al món. No volem que ningú voti per nosaltres, volem interpel•lar els representants que treballen per a nosaltres, volem preguntar-los què i per què estan promovent determinades polítiques. En això consisteix la democràcia: en fer que les coses canviïn.
  • An Illustrated Guide To Using Twitter | Applicant – The Advice Bank – a visual guide to twitter which highlights some of the ways twitter can be helpful either for personal use or business.
  • Public Experience — because experience matters – Your experience matters, and users of UK public services often know best where they could be improved, or work as they should. We let you Tell us, and everybody else, about your experiences of the services you use and pay for, what you think could be better, or what you think should be kept exactly the same
  • e-agricultura – Este foro es parte de una iniciativa mundial para elevar la importancia del desarrollo agrícola sostenible y la seguridad alimentaria a través de mejoras a la tecnología de la información, comunicación, y otras, en este sector. El objetivo general del foro es permitir que los miembros intercambien opiniones, experiencias, buenas prácticas y fuentes de información relacionados con e-agricultura, y asegurar que el conocimiento que se genera sea compartido eficazmente y utilizado en todo el mundo.

Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 15 de Abril, 2009

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • EGOVIG – eGovernment Interest Group – The mission of the eGovernment Interest Group (eGov IG) is to explore how to improve access to government through better use of the Web and achieve better government transparency using open Web standards at any government level (local, state, national and multi-national). The eGov IG is designed as a forum to support researchers, developers, solution providers, and users of government services that use the Web as the delivery channel, and enable broader collaboration across eGov practitioners.
  • Speak For Change – SpeakForChange simplifies the process when you want to say something to Congress. All you need is a phone and a zipcode. Just dial our toll free number and follow the prompts to find your representative, and you'll be able to leave her a voice message in no time.
  • Utah.Gov Launches Two Free iPhone Applications – Utah.Gov, the official Web site of the state of Utah, announced today the release of the free “Utah.Gov” and “Utah Professional License Lookup” iPhone applications, available immediately through the Apple iTunes Store. Utah is the first state government in the nation to develop and release an iPhone application.
  • Media 2.0 Workgroup – Social, Democratic, Distributed – The Media 2.0 Workgroup is a group of industry commentators, agitators and innovators who believe that the phenomena of democratic participation will change the face of media creation, distribution and consumption. Join the conversation…
  • Europatweets – Tweet Europe! – Europatweets makes Members of the European Parliament closer to their citizens.

Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 9 de Abril, 2009

Enlaces que pueden interesaros:

  • Apps for Democracy – Directorio de aplicaciones generado a raíz de un concurso puesto en marcha por el Distrito de Columbia utilizando información pública
  • DataPortability.org – Share and remix data using open standards – Data portability is the ability for people to reuse their data across interoperable applications. The DataPortability Project works to advance this vision by identifying, contextualizing and promoting efforts in the space.
  • 13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader | ThinkWasabi – para disfrutar de una aplicación y sacarle el máximo partido hay que conocerla bien, a fondo
  • DIYcity – This is the DIYcity Challenge: can we, working together, define and build a version 1.0 of the Do-It-Yourself City, a city that operates on open data flowing through decentralized, open source tools, that actively engages residents not only as users but as participants and owners of the system?
  • Top 5 Internet Priorities for the Next Government (any next Government) – This is a list of the top 5 major things any government of any developed nation should be doing in relation to the Internet, as I see it at the start of 2009. They are not in any order, and do not lack ambition – they are for the Next Government, after all.
  • Web 2.0 for the pros – three interagency initiatives. They are: Web Manager University, which provides low-cost, practical training to federal Web professionals; Webcontent.gov, a source for federal Web requirements and best practices; and the Web Content Managers Forum, where more than 1,500 federal, state, and local Web professionals share resources and work to reduce duplication across government.