Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 13 de Febrero, 2009

These are my links for 6 de Febrero, 2009 through 9 de Febrero, 2009:

  • digitalresearchtools – This wiki collects information about tools and resources that can help scholars (particularly in the humanities and social sciences) conduct research more efficiently or creatively. Whether you need software to help you manage citations, author a multimedia work, or analyze texts, Digital Research Tools will help you find what you're looking for. We provide a directory of tools organized by research activity, as well as reviews of select tools in which we not only describe the tool's features, but also explore how it might be employed most effectively by researchers.
  • Greek Interoperability Centre (GIC) – Minimize The main goal of the Greek Interoperability Centre (GIC) project is to establish a new research centre targeting eGovernment and eBusiness Interoperability Research, stemming from the National Technical University of Athens, the leading technological research institute in Greece. The Greek Interoperability Centre (G.I.C.) aims at becoming a premium research centre in the field of Interoperability in Greece, cooperating with academia and research, public administration, organisations and businesses across the Greek regions but also institutions from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean – thus forming a strong regional pole of research and technology.
  • 41 Top Tips To Growing Your Social Media Presence – Netiqueta en los nuevos medios
  • Lo que hablaron ciudadanos, políticos y Administración 2.0 en ESADE – La red social y sus valores: una nueva dimensión para conversar y compartir con los ciudadanos tratábamos esta vez el tema de la web 2.0 y lo público.

Enlaces sugeridos por K-Government el 25 de Enero, 2009

These are my links for 15 de Enero, 2009 through 25 de Enero, 2009:

  • No10 leaps into Twitter’s top 100 – One of the biggest successes in e-government this past year, and arguably one of the most surprising, is Downing Street's use of Twitter. And thanks to a remarkable couple of weeks, the Prime Minister's Office now finds itself in the Top 100 of the most followed Twitter accounts worldwide, as ranked (fairly reliably) by Twitterholic.com.
  • Top 10 Online Tools to Connect With the Obama Administration – What tools exist for interacting with this President 2.0? I’ll take a look at tools that the Obama administration will control and those that they will not.
  • Los blogs sanitarios en España -2- | e-RAS: opinión y actualidad sanitaria – En este número publicamos otros 23 blogs que nos han parecido de interés, con ello completamos 40 referencias que vamos a mantener actualizados y que sufrirán entradas y salidas para no sobrepasar el número elegido. Se ha habilitado un icono en la columna de la derecha (Blogosfera sanitaria) y se ha publicado la correspondiente lista con los enlaces y los comentarios sobre los mismos. Aunque no hay una clasificación sí que en sus primeros lugares hay una cualificación jerárquica que nos ha parecido de interés para no despistar en exceso a nuestros lectores.
  • La política se resiste al blog
  • Transparência na AP – Esta é uma proposta da Associação Nacional para o Software Livre (ANSOL) para apoiar a transparência na administração pública portuguesa. Foi desenvolvido para resolver as muitas dificuldades com a pesquisa e navegação no sítio oficial Base – Contratos Públicos Online. A informação aqui presente é uma cópia da informação oficial actualizada periodicamente e disponibilizada através de um interface que facilita e incentiva a procura. De momento apenas pesquisa pelo objecto e nomes das entidades envolvidas nos Ajustes Directos lá publicados.